Getting Baby Ready for Travel: 5 Things to Start Now

Traveling with a baby often seems like a daunting task. And so we pick our destinations carefully, make long packing lists and spend hours researching how to survive airplane rides and road trips with little ones in tow. What we often forget to do, is take some simple steps before we leave to help prepare our little one for what lies ahead.

  1. Introduce naps on the go: Now we aren’t suggesting that you should abandon all the sleep training you have done or that all naps should now be done on the go, but introducing a car seat, stroller or carrier nap now and then will help your little one nap on the go when you can’t or don’t want to go back to the hotel for naps.
  2. Practice being on the go with your baby: It can be daunting to get out and explore with a small baby, even in our own backyards but the more time you invest at home in getting baby used to the car seat, stroller or carrier, the easier your travels will be. Think about what kind of trip you want to take and practice at home. Will you be going on a road trip? Find out before you go how to make babe content in the car seat. Want to do lots of hiking and walking? Practice going on local adventures with your little on in a carrier.
  3. Introduce feeding on the go: Whether you are exclusively breastfeeding, using formula or starting to introduce solids spend some time eating outside the comforts of home. Get baby used to eating with distractions so that when you need to feed on the airplane, at a busy restaurant or even on a sidewalk bench, babe will be at ease.
  4. Build a consistent, yet non complicated bedtime routine: For us that means, bath or shower, pajamas, stories, and lights out. It may be different for your family. But choose something that is simple and can easily be replicated wherever you are.
  5. Take showers with your baby: This is perhaps the biggest favour you can do yourself before you depart on your trip. It can be difficult to find accommodation with a bathtub in many places around the world and you may have to take showers with your little one.  Have fun with it and get baby used to this new fun way of getting clean!